Congratulations to the following SCR-1 teachers awarded Fall 2022 School Foundation Grants:

Junior High/ High School Teachers 
Alyson Ewald $240.00 Comfort for Learning Grant

Terri Slaughter  $212.00 To the Zoo (and Botanical Too!) Grant

Leslie Austin $245.50 Book Warriors Grant

Tori Kigar/Jenna Ward $70.00 Tiger Newscast Grant (microphones) 

Elementary Teachers
Allison Amidei $160.00 Teaching Those Life Skills Grant 

Lucinda Perrilles $160.00 Classroom Chair Organizer Grant

Rachel Burke $215.10 Motor Skill Development & Sensory Diet Grant

Cali Smith $150.00 Sensory Wall Grant

Amy Shultz $249.00 Rocket Math Grant

Sheri Kapfer $84 Word Wizard Grant (21 app licenses)

Emily Frederick $84 Word Wizard Grant (21 app licenses)

Angie Wentworth $84 Word Wizard Grant (21 app licenses)

Chasity Black $90.27 Math Manipulatives Grant

Lindsey Tippett $250.00 Keyboards for Testing Grant

Scott Hathaway $250.00 Classroom Library Grant

Hilary Rader $239.77 Headphones for Students Grant

Lori Bish $174.50 Handwriting Helps Grant

Total Grants Awards: $2,958.14